Friday, April 8, 2011

MDS Day 4 and 5 "Do, or do not. There is no try"

The first three days are all about softening you up for the brutal day 4, 82km through the desert with a 34 hour cut off.

 My feet are still a mess so I decided I would trot as much as I could and maybe even make it thru the sand dunes at 61 km before dark (10 hours).

 First 17 km were great but then a long dune & rocky ridge climb destroyed me. 24-37km I was just stumbling thru the desert - turns out I was very dehydrated from the nurafen plus I was taking and the 45 C heat.  Got checked by doctor and was ok so pressed on.  After a few sleeps on the course finished in 29 hours, the last 10 km in heat approaching 50 C.  Feet swollen and can't walk, doubtful to start the 42k tomorrow - off to doctor now.  190k done in 5 days, we'll see how much more the feet can take.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy weather and heat! OMGosh I had to convert C to F and about fainted! You are amazing and such an inspiration!
