Sunday, March 27, 2011

Final Dress Rehearsal

The last major run with a back pack was a 20km training effort with a close-to full back pack, including the sleeping mat on the back.

I have decided to go with a cheap foam mat, rather than an inflatable one, as I understand that there are lots of thorns that often puncture sleeping mats. As someone has told me - inflatable = deflatable!

I had done a 29km run the day before, so I was fairly tired leading into this training run, and being another warm day in the 30's, found it hard to run too much. So it was mostly a walk.

Still I looked the part...

And the coastral trail is a wonderful place to do your training.

Close up view of the gaiters, glued and sewn to the shoes

Not the best training session, tired and hot and the feet were a bit sore at the end. Will try and run as much as possible in the sahara, seems to be easier on the feet than walking.

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